Reasons to Bias

Published December 26, 2011 by kk4everfighting

15 all the way!

Here they are! Pictures, names, and personality!

  •             Leeteuk (Park Jungsoo): he’s the leader of the group. He’s funny, good looking, and has a halarious and unique laugh ;D
  •        Heechul (Kim Heechul): he loves cats. He can get grouchy at times but is real funny. May be mistaken for a girl 😛
  •     Kyuhyun (Cho Kyuhyun): the evil maknae (youngest) of the group. Plays tricks on people but still can have a kind heart for some people. One of the three best voices. Pretty good looking 😉
  •     Siwon (Choi Siwon): called the handsomest one in the group. He’s Christian and really nice and polite. The Gentleman 🙂
  •      Ryeowook (Kim Ryeowook): the eternal maknae. May act cute and adorable, AKA aegyo. One of the three best voices. Kinda short 😀
  •      Yesung (Kim Jongwoon): HAS A TURTLE!! 😀 he’s nice and can be funny without even trying. One of the three best voices. Has small hands :3
  •      Donghae (Lee Donghae): also know as Fishy. He’s funny and quick the trickster. ADORKABLE!! 😀
  •           Eunhyuk (Lee Hyukjae): also know as Monkey. Shy around girls. An AMAZING dancer. People mess with him a lot 😛
  •      Sungmin (Lee Sungmin): The pumpkin prince and the king of aegyo. He doesn’t even have to try. Really sweet and nice :3
  •        Shindong (Shindong Hee): he’s a little overweight but is losing it! He’s nice and funny and is sometimes called the group’s teddy bear 😀
  •       Hankyung (Hangeng): one of the three missing stars since he sued the company. He’s Chinese and a great cook. He’s really nice and jokes around a lot :3D
  •                Kibum (Kim Kibum): one of the three missing stars since he went to follow his acting carreer. Doesn’t talk much, but when he does, he can be funny! 🙂
  •     Kangin (Kim Youngwoon): one of the three missing stars since he went into the army. Picks on lots of people. Calls himself Korea’s #1 handsome guy. Can be funny and nice most of the time ;D
  •                 Henry Lau: Canadian-Chinese, out of all, he’s the youngest, can be adorable at times,chubby cheeks!!! 😀
  •             Zhou Mi: Chinese, pretty good looking, cute at times, great singer, good fashion style, very lovable! ❤ ❤ ❤

So that’s all of them!! hope you picked your bias! Sorry if this isn’t all accurate.


P.S. : In case you hadn’t noticed, ZHOU MI’S MY BIAS AND WILL FOREVER BE!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


4ever Fighting!

– ME!

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