Videos, Pictures, and Music

Hello again, it’s ME!

I will soon be putting up pictures, videos, and music.

So once I get that, I put them up!

4ever Fighting

– Me


        I LOVE this picture of Eunhyuk and Leeteuk!! :3

          Cute….. Sungmin with bunny ears!


that’s it for now, I’ll update later, and maybe put some videos or music.

4ever fighting



   Teukie copying Sungmin’s aegyo :3

    evil maknae kyu

     Poor Sungmin is ab-less T.T

    Hyukie > monkey, Hae= worried, Yesung= jealous

      CUTE!! Sungmin!!

          Say cheese! wait, nooooo!! poor Wookie :p

   Teukie’s dimple 😀

that’s all for now. P.S.: these aren’t my pictures, I got them off of the internet

hope you enjoyed them~

4ever Fighting


Hello~ I’m back~! ^^

Gifs are my favorite!

for some reason I have a feeling that I already posted this… oh well…

The shibrows are undeniable!! ^^

Poor little monkey.. T.T

……………….. no comment……………………..

That’s it for now, wish I could post more, but right now I’m skipping breakfast *sweatdrop* so, gotta go!





check it out!

i made that!  ^^

poor wookie…….

its for my story!





yes i made it..

now, bye!




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